Saturday, November 05, 2011

How to do Well in Grad School

As Aki and I were eating a dinner of leftover beef bourguignon, vegetable soup, fancy brie cheese, prosciutto, and wine, we were talking about how ridiculous it is that we are eating this fancy fare as grad students.  I mentioned that I should probably change my blog's name from "Simple Pleasures" to, I don't know, "Fancy Fare" or "Ridiculous Things we are Eating as Grad Students."  It is pretty clear that almost all of our money goes into food, and luckily none of us have expensive hobbies (Aki claims his aquarium habit pays for itself), a car, pets (other than fish), etc.  It is also handy to "grocery shop" from our parents' houses when we go to visit.  Here are some pictures of what graduate students are supposed to be eating:

Figure 1. JFO,
Figure 2. Piled higher and deeper comic strip,

I know that last comic is a bit hard to see, but the cabinet in full of ramen noodles.  BTW, PhD comics are pretty amazing.  I just signed up for an email subscription so that I can start my day out right!

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